Become A Volunteer at The Whippany Railway Museum

A Museum volunteer prepares the tender of #385 for repainting
A Museum volunteer paints a caboose
Volunteer Page
Interior restoration of PRR 981590
Museum volunteers install replacement wiring for the car’s annunciators. December 29, 2020. Photo: Steve Hepler

The Whippany Railway Museum is a museum of volunteers. Volunteers weld, saw, mix concrete, paint, sell souvenirs, punch tickets, handle crowds, run excursions, preserve and restore our historic rolling stock and do the myriad of other tasks our living museum needs. It’s work, but it’s fun!

A Museum volunteer staffs the Museum building
Volunteers staff the Ticket Office
A Museum volunteer leads a tour of the grounds
Museum volunteers ready to help visitors

A few volunteers have worked for railroads, but most just wish they had. Some have professional skills such as electrical, mechanical, welding, painting, carpentry, sheet metal or other crafts, and some are just generally handy. All bring enthusiasm!

Museum volunteer demonstrates driving spikes
A Museum volunteer removes a brake valve as part of the car’s maintenance

If you have a strong work ethic and would like to volunteer or find out more about volunteering at the Museum, ask any volunteer or send an email to Someone will reach out to you about the many volunteer opportunities at the Museum. All volunteers need to be at least 21 years of age or older. All volunteers must be able to perform the physical tasks involved safely, particularly around the potentially hazardous environment of a live, working railroad. Come live with the trains!